Bobcat Flat Phase 2
Bobcat Flat is 300 acres of riparian and in-stream habitat along 1 1/2 miles of the Lower Tuolumne River. The west section was restored instream for salmon and trout and the floodplain lowered and planted for riparian habitat.
Click here for the –> Bobcat Phase II Final Report
Bobcat Flat Phase II was constructed in 2011. Approximately 6 acres were excavated to continue and broaden the high-flow channel constructed in 2005. 17,500 cubic yards of cobble were placed in the river to create riffles and bars where none had previously existed. The river was restored to repair the damage done during historic gold dredging and recreate natural flow patterns and depths. The restoration focus was to create juvenile Chinook salmon and rainbow trout rearing habitat. During the high flows of recent years, the cobble from restoration activities has moved as a fluvial function and created productive runs, riffles and glides as the river uses the gravel it has been missing.
Funding was provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.