Grayson River Ranch
Grayson River Ranch is a 143 acre perpetual conservation easement on the Tuolumne River four miles upstream from the San Joaquin River. The Friends of the Tuolumne restored the floodplain with 7,000 trees and creeping wild rye, a native grass.
Grayson River Ranch Perpetual Conservation Easement was constructed in 2000. Heavy equipment excavated 75,000 cubic yards of earth to construct two 2,000 foot-long sloughs connected to the Tuolumne River. Four species of willow, cottonwood, boxelder, sycamore, Oregon ash, Valley Oaks, and creeping wild rye grass were planted in 2001 and 2003. Funding was provided by CALFED Bay-Delta Authority; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, AFRP; and U.S. Department of Agriculture, NRCS.